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Xtreme-Pro Skull Breakers© 1000 Rounds .68cal

Xtreme-Pro Skull Breakers© 1000 Rounds .68cal


Available on back-order

Xtreme-pro Skull breakers© Military spec Less Lethal Rounds for use in any .68cal paintball gun.

  • Bulk buy and save
  • .68 cal, solid ball
  • 3.5g Per ball or round
  • Military – Security and personal security  less lethal ammo


Available on back-order


Xtreme-Pro Skull Breakers© 1000 Rounds .68cal Are Extremely Dense Injection Molded Nylon Rounds Designed For Maximum Impact And Distance.

SKULL BREAKERS© Are  Able To Break Vehicular And Structural Glass Upon Impact During Hostage Or Barricade Incidents, and Are Ideally Followed By Pepper Ball Rounds to defuse hostage situations.

Xtreme-Pro Skull Breakers are manufactured in our factory in South Africa, They are the ORIGINAL SKULL BREAKER© ball designed by  Xtreme-Pro paintball imports CC

There are many that have tried to copy our perfection and quality for our global brand but sadly have failed. (and that’s no bull)

Skull breakers are designed for maximum velocity – maximum impact, with maximum effect for Less lethal , self defence, RIOT and crowd control.

Skull Breakers .68 calibre paintball marker projectile available internationally!

Skull Breakers© are premium reusable self-defence projectiles!

Xtreme-Pro Skull Breakers© 1000 Rounds .68cal SPECIFICATIONS:
  • .68cal
  • 100% waterproof
  • Solid Nylon
  • Not affected by temperature or climatic conditions.
  • 5+ years shelf life

TRY our Glow in the Dark Tracer Rounds .68cal made with our world famous Skull Breaker solid paintball guns rounds

Xtreme-pro Skull breakers© are  precisely made injection molded spheres using  high grade nylon.

Xtreme-pro skull breakers will penetrate through a car window if shot from a paintball gun adjusted for Less Lethal velocity.

Please Use Xtreme-Pro Skull Breakers©  Responsibly, Not for sale to under 18

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Additional information

Weight.370 kg
Dimensions16 × 10 × 2.5 cm

1000 Rounds, 5000 Rounds, 10000 Rounds, 100 Rounds


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