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  • One size fits most
  • Black
  • Original Tippmann Product
  • Padded front and back

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SKU: 669966995876 Categories: ,


TIPPMANN CHEST PROTECTOR for paintball and airsoft.

Tippmann’s wrap around chest protector is great for protecting your torso from the wears and tears paintball can sometimes bring. It uses straps on the side to tighten the chest protector to your torso.

Protective paintball clothing can be helpful in numerous ways. It can reduce the sting of a shot, prevent injury, and give you confidence during the game.

TIPPMANN CHEST PROTECTOR – One size fits most.
Tippmann Advice: This is a rugged padded vest which offers much more protection than other vests.
On smaller players, this vest will rap around the sides providing extra protection.
This vest is used on many paintball fields and can be hand washed. You may want to spray this with a scotch guard like product for even easier cleaning.

upgrade your TIPPMANN CHEST PROTECTOR  to a full paintball or airsoft Tactical Vest to carry all your mags,pods and air tanks

Do you need protection for paintball?
What You Need To Wear To Play Paintball For The First Time
You should wear clothing with long sleeves and thick layers to play paintball. The aim is to leave as little skin exposed as possible to prevent a painful paintball impact on your skin. You’ll also need to wear protective eyewear or a face mask to shield your face from paintballs.

Do you need a chest protector for paintball?
Upper Body protection: As described, a light loose long sleeve t-shirt for a base layer. Many will just play in that. If you want to have better protection ad a Military style BDU shirt or a paintball jersey over top. For those wanting maximum protection, use the Chest protectors

manufacture’s website

Additional information

Weight.5 kg
Dimensions23 × 22 × 12 cm


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