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BT 4 Drop Forward – Viton® O-rings

BT 4 Drop Forward – Viton® O-rings


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Tough Replacement O-rings for the Drop Forward Co2 Attachment.

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BT 4 Drop Forward – Viton® O-rings are a  tough Replacement O-ring for the Drop Forward Co2 Attachment.

Pack of 2 Viton® O-rings

Viton® O-rings

The terms Viton® O-rings and FKM often lead to confusion and incorrect interpretations. FPM is the ISO designation, FKM is the ASTM disgnation. Vito®, Dai-El and Technoflon are brands for FMP polymers. All of the designations stand for one single base material, which is fluoro rubber.

Application of Viton® O-rings
The Viton® O-rings assortment of grades has an extremely wide temperature range and are highly resistant to chemical attacks, which makes usage in aircraft, automobiles and other mechanical devices possible.

Benefits of Viton® O-rings:
  • Wide range of chemical compatibility
  • Viton® O-rings have an extremely wide temperature range -50°C to +205°/230°C (-15°F to +400°/440°F)
  • Low compression set and low gas permeability
  • Viton® O-rings have excellent resistance to acids, mineral and vegetable oil and greases, fuels, aliphatic, aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons, non-
  • flammable hydraulic fluid and several organical sovents and chemicals
  • Viton® O-rings are exceptionally resistant to aging, chemical and ozone attacks

Additional information

Weight0.001 kg
Dimensions0.13 × 0.13 × 0.02 cm


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