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DXS Draxxus Recsport Paintballs

DXS Draxxus Recsport Paintballs


Only 1 left in stock

  • DXS Draxxus Recsport  Paintballs-Box 2000 are quality first run paintballs,
  • Eco-Friendly
  • solid colour shells
  • break on impact, not in the guns

Only 1 left in stock


DXS Draxxus Recsport Paintballs are Engineered for increased performance. A high quality ball aimed at recreational, scenario and competition players and events. Made with flat dual tone shells with bright easy to clean fills that ensure maximum range and penetration of foliage.

DXS Draxxus Recsport Paintballs Features:
  • Dual Color Shell for use in all markers
  • Increased accuracy
  • Bright easy-to-clean
  • Environment Friendly BIO FILL formula
  • 2000 paintballs per box
  • .68 caliber

Manufacturer: website

View all our Paintballs HERE

Is Draxxus paintball good?
With consistent accuracy, long range breakability, a bright fill for maximum visible marking, large splat coverage and formulated to withstand the demands of speedball and woods ball, these paintballs deliver the uncompromised quality and ability to control the game.
What kind of paint is used in paintballs?
You may find it hard to believe, but there’s no actual paint inside a paintball. The “paint”, that you’re seeing upon impact is a mix of polyethylene glycol (PEG), other non-toxic material, water-soluble substances, and dye.
Do paintballs wash off walls?
Paintballs are made from oil-based paint, which breaks up easily when in contact with hydrogen peroxide. Dab a cloth or a few cotton balls in the peroxide and rub over the paintball stain until all the paint has been removed. Rinse again with the garden hose to remove any excess paint or peroxide residue.

Additional information

Weight6.7 kg
Dimensions30 × 22 × 18 cm


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