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X-RADAR Chronograph Handheld

X-RADAR Chronograph Handheld


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  X-RADAR  is a versatile handheld chrono ( chronograph) for advanced players and field owners.

The X-Radar Chronograph is super easy to use, just rest it on barrel and pull the paintball gun trigger.  The Readings update automatically  on the chronograph screen with every shot.

Chronograph measures both your feet per second (fps) AND balls per second (bps)

  • 3 digit readout
  • 150 – 399 feet per second (fps) capability
  • 4 – 30 balls per second (bps) capability
  • Requires one 9 V battery (not included ) GET IT HERE

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 X-RADAR  is a versatile handheld chrono ( chronograph) for advanced players and field owners.

The X-Radar Chronograph is super easy to use, just rest it on barrel and pull the paintball gun trigger.  The Readings update automatically  on the chronograph screen with every shot.

measures velocity in fps

measures rate of fire in bps

full 3 digit display readout

standard 9 volt battery power

very accurate and reliable

affordable – low cost

Additional information

Weight0190 kg
Dimensions18 × 11 × 6 cm


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