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3K Burst Disk

3K Burst Disk


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Ballistic 3K Burst Disk

1 x Burst Disc

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Ballistic 3K Burst Disk – 3K Rating for CO2 Paintball Tank. Prevents over-pressurization when filling your tanks. CO2 Tank Burst Discs are universal for all brands of CO2 tank manufactured for usage for the sport of Paintball. The burst discs are used to replace damaged or broken or burst on your Co2 tank. Warning: CO2 can cause injury (suffocation & Asphyxiation) or death, ventilate the area before entering. CO2 is stored at very high pressure and a liquid CO2 is at cryogenic temperatures which can cause injury, burn, explosion, or death. CO2 should be handled by a trained professional and extreme caution should be taken when dealing with CO2. For safety always wear protective gear.

1 x Burst Disc

All CO2 and air bottles for paintball have a small nut on the side of the valve. This nut secures a small metal disk which is designed to burst and release pressure if the pressure inside the bottle becomes too high. This is the replacement part. Ballistic 3K Burst Disk

Additional information

Weight0.0066 kg
Dimensions1 × 1 × 1 cm


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