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Duke Pepper Grenade + Tripwire Kit

Duke Pepper Grenade + Tripwire Kit


Only 1 left in stock (can be backordered)

The Duke Pepper Grenade has a detonation time of approximately 4,5 seconds, which offers the thrower enough time to lob the grenade into the desired area, but not enough time for the targets to escape the pepper dispersion radius.

Military And Security Use.

120db – Loud Enough To Hear A Few Blocks Away.

Warning: These Are Not Toys. Not for sale to – 18



Only 1 left in stock (can be backordered)


The Duke Pepper Grenade + Tripwire Kit has been proudly developed and patented in South Africa. Our intention from the start was to offer a non-lethal solution that conforms to international human rights standards*

Filled with our world-beating pepper powder, the units pack a serious sonic punch of approximately 110dB and a 5m pepper dispersion to each side. It also has significant hang-time of the pepper, so that it affects even the toughest assailants.

The Duke Pepper Grenade + Tripwire Kit has a detonation time of approximately 4 seconds – not enough time for the targets to escape the pepper dispersion radius.

The Pepper Grenades are drop- safe with the safety pin and military grade pressure spring preventing any accidental detonations. We have put the grenades through a rigorous testing process to ensure total safety for the carrier, thrower, as well as the intended target.

Our grenades contain no harmful chemicals, no primers, and no thermal reactions, so there is no fire or explosive hazard, which makes it intrinsically safe. Upon detonation, there is no shrapnel released, only the pepper is dispersed.

The grenades do not fall under the international explosives acts, so they are totally legal to use in a self-defence situation.

One of the best non-lethal weapons that has been proven to effectively deter an attacker is pepper spray. Many police forces and other authorities around the world use these sprays, and they are an extremely effective deterrent. However, pepper spray, Pepperballs, when used or owned in the UK is considered an offensive weapon, which makes it ILLEGAL to own and carry.

* The voluntary principles on security and human rights. http://www.voluntaryprinciples.org/

Additional information

Weight0.365 kg
Dimensions6.7 × 6.7 × 20.2 cm


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