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TechT Gun Sav – Performance Paintball Grease

TechT Gun Sav – Performance Paintball Grease


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TechT Gun Sav – Performance Paintball Grease
The Best Paintball Gun GREASE in the WORLD!!!

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TechT Gun Sav Grease is designed to be the best lubricant in the world. We use it on everything!

Lubrication is the life giving blood to any paintball marker. No matter what type of gun you shoot, it requires lubrication to in keep the seals holding air. If they are not lubricated they crack or wear out and that leads to leaks, poor accuracy, and other issues.

Since 2006, we have been testing various recipes and mixtures looking for the perfect lubricant for a paintball gun in any weather.

Hands down this is the best grease you can find for your gun. We have tried the other greases on the market and this beats them all!


Additional information

Weight.43 kg
Dimensions5 × 5 × 2.5 cm


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